Magazine & Yearbook 2022

Student Year Book2022/2023

The Myer's College student yearbook is a vibrant and comprehensive collection that captures the essence of an unforgettable academic year. Overflowing with cherished memories and achievements, it serves as a testament to the incredible journey of the students throughout the year. Inside its pages, the yearbook presents a collage of extraordinary moments, both in and outside the classroom. The memoirs section shares heartwarming anecdotes and personal reflections, giving voice to the diverse experiences and accomplishments of the student body. The yearbook proudly showcases the extensive involvement in extracurricular activities, from sports teams and clubs to debate societies and art workshops. Through captivating photographs and narratives, it portrays the passion and dedication of every student. House group photos immortalize the spirit of healthy competition and camaraderie among the college's vibrant houses. Class group photos beautifully capture the shared laughter, lifelong friendships, and collective growth of each grade. The yearbook concludes with a symbolic farewell photo, representing the unity and strength of the Myer's College community. It serves as a reminder of the bonds formed, challenges overcome, and memories created during an unforgettable year in the students' lives.